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Family Fun

All events are Alcohol Free, no rowdy behavior will be tolerated.




Square Dances




  Old Fashioned Family Fun and Exercise

Dance to live music and calling. Donations accepted.



7:30 - 9:30

Dates: June 17th

July 2nd and 15th

August  19th.

September 16th.




Hayrides, Bonfire and Sing-alongs


A 1948 John Deere A pulls our 16 ft. lighted hay wagon.


Stay up and enjoy "country star gazing"

June 25, July 23, August 13

Donations Accepted




A crowd favorite, enjoy "red truck" rides through

backroads, woods, and fields.




Fishing Derby

Saturday June, 25th (weather Permitting)

$10 per person entry fee



First place prize 40% of total take

Second place prize 10% of total take



Enter your child, 12 years old or younger to enjoy

the morning session  from 8:00 am - 10 am.

(20 participants max.)



Open class (Adults included) 10 am - 12 pm

(20 participants max.)



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